Speech-Language Pathology (SLP)

SLP 505. Child Language Disorders I. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on assessment and intervention for preschool language disorders. Topics addressed include etiology and characteristics of language/communication disorders in infants and preschool children with an eye toward cultural and linguistic diversity, theoretical frameworks for assessment and intervention, evidence-based methods of assessment and intervention, connections between oral language and emergent literacy, and exploration of current issues in the research literature.

SLP 510. Aural Rehabilitation. (3 Credits)

This course introduces principles of aural (re)habilitation. Perceptual, cognitive, communicative, educational, occupational, social, and emotional aspects of life related to hearing loss will be studied. Methods of management which optimize the use of residual hearing with amplification or other assistive devices are considered for patients across the lifespan. Further techniques for hearing loss intervention, including auditory training, counseling, and speech reading, will be presented.

SLP 515. Research Methods. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on developing foundational knowledge of the research process, becoming knowledgeable consumers of research, and increasing students' understanding of the role of research in enhancing clinical practice in Speech-Language Pathology. Students will learn about collection evidence-based, literature review, research design, and data analysis.

SLP 520. Speech Sound Disorders. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on information regarding normal and disordered aspects of speech sound production including articulation and phonology. There is an emphasis placed on theoretical and practical considerations for clinical assessment and treatment.

SLP 525. Aphasia & Related Disorders. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of aphasia and related disorders. This course will emphasize etiology, prevention, assessment and treatment of the different types of aphasia and related disorders. This course uses a case-based approach and stresses evidenced based practice.

SLP 530. Augmentative & Alternative Communication. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on a wide range of non-vocal communication systems. In this course, students will develop an understanding of the governmental and professional policies pertaining to augmentative communication; develop an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of using non-vocal systems for communication; learn principles for assessing non-vocal clients and selecting appropriate non-vocal communication systems for those clients; explore the features of electronic and microcomputer based communication aids; review strategies for facilitating non-vocal communication in a variety of settings; and apply concepts and principles to a series of case examples.

SLP 535. Child Language Disorders II. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on application of various theoretical models and research perspectives to the assessment and intervention of school aged children through adolescents with various language impairments. Emphasis is placed on underpinnings of language and related reading disorders and on evidence-based practice. Integration of curriculum-based standards in Individualized Education Plans, including language influences for diverse speakers and clinically significant etiologies (i.e. autism, etc.).

SLP 540. Fluency Disorders. (3 Credits)

This course will provide a detailed introduction to the nature, assessment, and treatment of stuttering. This is likely to be the only course related to stuttering that many of you will complete prior to entering the Speech-Language Pathology profession. Many Speech-Language Pathologists have individuals with fluency problems on their caseload. You will be expected to know how to diagnose and treat this disorder population. Therefore, it is imperative that you are committed to learn as much as possible about stuttering and its clinical management in this course.

SLP 545. Motor Speech Disorders. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the specific neuro-anatomy and neuro-physiology involved in normal and disordered motor-speech production. Additionally, this course addresses the differential diagnosis of motor-speech disorders, specifically apraxia and the dysarthrias. This course also focuses on evidence-based assessment and intervention strategies for Motor Speech Disorders.

SLP 555. Dysphagia. (3 Credits)

This course provides an in-depth study of normal and disordered swallowing with a focus on the physiology of dysphagia. Current research related to prevention, evaluation and diagnosis, management and treatment of swallowing disorders across the life span is presented. Intervention and treatment strategies will be discussed at length. The purpose of this course is to help each student develop an analytical framework and approach to evaluation and treatment of dysphagia in children and adults.

SLP 560. School Methods. (3 Credits)

School-based Speech-Language Pathologists and Educational Audiologists assume important roles which impact the growth of communication skills of the students in schools. Such professionals must address a variety of issues, procedures, and programs unique to the public school setting in order to be both compliant and effective. An overview of communication disorders and therapy methods in school-aged children and the educational impact. Focus on practical application through understanding of IDEA, RTI, classroom interventions, and student accommodations. A study of procedures and materials used in the public schools by speech language pathologists/Audiologists. Effective strategies within the context of the Christian perspective for managing ethical dilemmas in the school setting will also be addressed.

SLP 565. Fundamentals of Audiology for the SLP. (2 Credits)

This course, intended for prospective speech-language pathologists, is intended to help students identify clients with an auditory disorder or who may be at risk for sustaining an auditory disorder. Knowledge obtained as part of this course will enable students to provide (within their scope of practice) appropriate prevention, assessment, referrals, accommodations, and modifications to the client’s treatment plan and activities. Additional course coverage will include disorders of the auditory system and accompanying hearing loss, implications of the audiogram, and communication assessment and management of children and adults with hearing impairment.
Prerequisite: CSD 310.

SLP 570. Neurological Bases of Communication. (3 Credits)

Neurological Bases of Communication is the study of neurological development and function related to speech, language, and hearing. Emphasis is placed on the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology involved in communication.

SLP 610. Cognitive Communication Disorders. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the etiology, prevention, assessment and treatment of cognitive communication disorders, including but not limited to: attention, memory, executive function, dementia, and traumatic brain injury. It will also include discussion of stroke, RHD and other medical conditions that impact cognitive communication function.

SLP 615. Assessment & Management of Multicultural Populations. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the application of theoretical models and research perspectives to the assessment and treatment of communication disorders, specifically related to individuals from diverse backgrounds.

SLP 620. Voice Disorders. (3 Credits)

This course will cover the entire output of vocal production mechanisms as reflected in the acoustic signal produced at the level of the vocal folds and modified by the vocal tract and nasal cavities. The major subsystems of vocal behavior will be covered including respiration for vocalization, glottal dynamics, and vocal tract resonance. Acoustic and aerodynamic properties of vocal production will be included. The basic approach to the study of voice and resonance disorders will be a physiologic one, with initial attention focusing on the physiologic and neurophysiologic mechanisms of normal vocal production and resonance. This understanding of normal production will serve as a foundation for discussions of voice and resonance disorders related to growth, neurological disease/disorders, and psychological or psychogenic factors. Prevention methods for voice disorders and vocal hygiene protocols for adults and children will be highlighted. Variations in voice and resonance related to varied cultures and regions will be described. In this course, the various types of voice and resonance disorders typically encountered by the speech-language pathologist in an ENT clinic, hospital in- and outpatient setting, and school will be discussed. Principles for the proper diagnosis of these voice problems and methods for assessing the function of the vocal folds and vocal tract will be included. The principles and specifics of various treatment approaches to voice and resonance disorders will be presented. An introduction to testing methods will incorporate areas of listening, visualization, testing, interpretation of the data and therapeutics. Various medical and surgical approaches to treatment will be explained. The course will prepare students to interpret, express orally and in writing the diagnostic findings and therapy progress to patients, multidisciplinary teams, family members, and other caregivers. Professional practice issues and standards of ethical conduct in the prevention, assessment and treatment of voice and resonance disorders will be assessed.

SLP 630. Genetics of SLP Practice. (3 Credits)

This course introduces the graduate student to genetic inheritance and embryonic development and describes genetic conditions involving the craniofacial complex. Craniofacial anomalies (with emphasis on clefts of the lip and palate) and the impact of such anomalies on speech-language development and functioning are discussed. The specialized role of the speech-language pathologist in instrumental/clinical assessment and management of these disorders is covered. Pertinent theories, philosophies, and current research literature in the area of oral-facial anomalies is reviewed.

SLP 635. Professional Issues and Counseling. (3 Credits)

The purpose of this course is to provide understanding to SLP graduate students of the of knowledge and professional competencies that are expected for ASHA certification and necessary for success in our field. More specifically, we will examine professional ethics and issues, and review regulations/requirements for professional practice. In addition, counseling approaches from a variety of resources will be reviewed. When available we will have guest speakers reinforce specific content during the semester.

SLP 640. Research Practicum. (1-2 Credits)

Research Practicum is a closely mentored empirically based research experience in the context of some aspect of Communication Sciences and/or Disorders. Emphasis is placed on guided independent efforts to prepare, execute, and share research activities and results. Note: Instructor consent is required for participation in this course.

SLP 645. Audiology Practicum. (1 Credit)

This Audiology Practicum course will address aspects of audiology which are considered to be part of the role of a speech-language pathology. Students will gain knowledge and experience with various audiology evaluation and treatment protocols through supervised participation in diagnostic evaluations, aural rehabilitation activities, and didactic meetings.
Prerequisite: CSD 310.

SLP 650. Clinical Practicum. (1 Credit)

This course is designed to provide graduate students with supervised experience in assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and management of children and adults exhibiting a variety of speech, language, swallowing, and/or hearing disorders. Graduate students will be assigned client(s) as well as a clinical instructor. Clinical instructors for this course are CUW faculty, and clinical work may take place on-campus or at satellite locations. This course has a classroom portion that meets one hour per week. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss topics such as record keeping, data collection, specific therapy techniques, clinical technologies, research findings, etc. Furthermore, these meetings are designed to enhance professional growth in the field of speech-language pathology. Attendance is mandatory and meetings are announced in advance.

SLP 651. Clinical Practicum: Level I. (1 Credit)

This course focuses on developing the skill competencies required for ASHA certification in SLP. Students will be placed in a part-time external placement with an ASHA certified, state licensed and DPI licensed (as indicated) Speech-Language Pathologist as a CI. This clinical placement is typically comprised of 2 to 3 half days/week in a community setting. Schedule will depend on clinical site.

SLP 652. Clinic Externship: Level II. (4 Credits)

This course continues to focus on developing the skills and competencies required for certification in Speech-Language Pathology. Students will complete external placements with an ASHA certified Speech-Language Pathologist as a preceptor. This clinical externship is comprised of 16 total weeks including both medical and school placements. Students are expected to follow the schedule of the placement site.

SLP 665. Special Topics:. (2 Credits)

Special Topics: (specific topic name) is an elective 2 credit class that focuses on current topics/issues in Speech-Language Pathology. This is a course that can be repeated with different course content to fulfill elective requirements of 3 credits. Special Topics covers topics that are part of the scope of practice of Speech-Language Pathologists, which are not addressed in the core curriculum.

SLP 670. Thesis Research. (1-6 Credits)

This course is designed to enable students to conduct original research on a specific topic related to some aspect of speech-language pathology. Students will work closely with a faculty mentor to develop a project that includes a literature review, research question(s), procedures and methodologies, data analysis and interpretation with discussion of results and conclusions. The thesis culminates as a substantive piece of scholarship in strict APA style.