Student Personnel-Graduate (SPA)

SPA 5000. Foundations in Student Affairs Administration. (3 Credits)

This course introduces students to the field of student affairs administration as they examine the historical, philosophical, and theoretical roots of the profession. The current nature of the work student affairs professionals perform, the skills and competencies required for the profession as outlined in the ACPA/NASPA competencies documents, and professional standards of the profession will be addressed. Students interested in athletic administration have the opportunity to explore this aspect as well.

SPA 5005. The Diverse College Student. (3 Credits)

Students from various generational, social, racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds are entering college in ever increasing numbers. This course studies the impact these students have on the campus environment and how we as professionals should evaluate what students need in order to succeed and become globally-minded citizens. Using our own ethical foundations, student affairs professionals will learn how to incorporate social justice and inclusion competencies into their personal practice. This will be accomplished through the further exploration of theories and models that help facilitate the diverse college student’s holistic development.

SPA 5010. Organizational Leadership & Governance in Higher Education. (3 Credits)

This course explores colleges and universities as complex organizations and examines the leadership and administration of higher education institutions. Students will gain an awareness of organizational and systems theories, intergroup relations, and the implications of different organizational designs and governance structures on institutional operations. Additionally, students will understand how athletic administration and sport economics impact institutional finances and decision-making. By the end of this course, students will learn to identify and apply appropriate theory(s) in their analysis of colleges and universities. The material covered in this course will improve students’ knowledge of the higher education system and advance their work as a practitioner, researcher, or instructor.

SPA 5015. Program Planning and Assessment. (3 Credits)

This course examines the role and practical application of assessment as an essential tool in the effective delivery of programs and services in higher education environments. Assessment and evaluation of service provision is viewed through the lenses of student affairs and athletics programs. The Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS) is discussed and utilized as a method of program evaluation.

SPA 5020. Group Dynamics and Culturally Responsible Leadership. (3 Credits)

This course applies concepts of small task-oriented group communication to the life and vocation experiences of participants, emphasizing servant-leadership skills. Further, the course provides framework for the ongoing, essential work of embedding culturally responsive leadership practices that address the specific needs of minority populations through facilitating discussions about culture and identity, and promoting practices of inquiry and inclusion.

SPA 5025. Current Topics Seminar. (3 Credits)

This course places American higher education into a historical context examining the impact of society on the development of higher education. This course introduces the student to current issues in American higher education. In addition, students will have an opportunity to delve into current topics in specific areas of interest, such as student organizations and program advising, athletic administration, and budgeting in student affairs.

SPA 5030. Law & Policy in Higher Education. (3 Credits)

This course surveys legal issues arising from the relationship between public and private colleges and universities and their governing boards, administrators, faculty, student affairs staff, and governmental bodies. Students will explore higher education law, the role of law on campus, and the relationship between the law and the work in student affairs and athletics.

SPA 5035. Educational Research Methods. (3 Credits)

This course is to equip professionals for understanding and conducting applied research in higher education. Students will demonstrate knowledge of researches purpose, design, and they will be prepared to conduct an educational research study after the development of a literature review, methodology, and research proposal.

SPA 7000. Experiential Learning for the Aspiring Student Affairs Professional. (3 Credits)

This course provides aspiring student affairs professionals the opportunity to intentionally apply theoretical principals they have learned up to this point in the program to their student affairs area of interest. A minimum of 150 hours is required to be completed under the supervision of a site supervisor and the course instructor. During this course, the student will also compile a portfolio which will illustrate their understanding and competency of the Global Learning Outcomes and Program Learning Outcomes met throughout the program.

SPA 7002. Experiential Learning for the Current Student Affairs Professional. (3 Credits)

This course provides current student affairs professionals the opportunity to intentionally apply theoretical principals they have learned up to this point in the program to their particular student services profession. A minimum of 150 hours is required to be completed under the supervision of a site supervisor and the course instructor. During this course, the student will also compile a portfolio which will illustrate their understanding and competency of the Global Learning Outcomes and Program Learning Outcomes met throughout the program.

SPA 7010. Thesis for Student Personnel Administration in Higher Education. (3 Credits)

This course gives a SPAHE student an opportunity to produce and defend a thesis under the supervision of a SPAHE faculty member. This is a process-oriented course that integrates reading, research, writing, and an oral presentation. The student will form a thesis committee of 3 members but primarily work with the thesis committee chair. The student will carry out a research project on a student affairs topic of the student’s interest and defend the thesis before the student’s thesis committee. The thesis is expected to conform to appropriate standards of scholarship and the final product will be organized under a five-chapter model.
Prerequisites: (SPA 515 or 5035).

SPA 7015. Capstone for Student Personnel Administration in Higher Education. (3 Credits)

This course gives a SPAHE student an opportunity to produce and defend a capstone under the supervision of a SPAHE faculty member. This is a process-oriented course that integrates reading, research, writing, and an oral presentation. The student will form a thesis committee of 3 members but primarily work with the capstone committee chair. The student will carry out a project on a student affairs topic of the student’s interest and defend the capstone before the student’s capstone committee. The capstone is expected to conform to appropriate standards of scholarship and the final product will be organized under a five-chapter model.
Prerequisites: (SPA 515 or 5035).