Spanish Minor (A)

The Spanish minor consists of 24 hours of course work including a variety of language courses, as well as courses in culture, civilization, literature, linguistics, advanced grammar and Spanish for the professions.  The minor is intended to compliment any CUAA major and help students prepare both linguistically as well as culturally to live out Concordia’s mission of serving Christ in the Church and the World.  Incoming students are encouraged to meet with Multicultural Studies faculty to determine placement in the language course sequence.  The highest placement allowed by Concordia is Span 301, and retroactive credits are available for prior courses (down to Span 101) upon successful completion of the initial language taken course at CUW.  Span 101 and 102 do not count towards the minor.


Required Courses
SPAN 2010Intermediate Spanish I3
SPAN 2020Intermediate Spanish II3
SPAN 3010Spanish Conversation and Composition3
SPAN 3070Linguistics3
SPAN 3300Advanced Spanish Grammar3
Minor Electives
Upper level electives in Spanish 9
Total Hours24

SPAN 1010 Beginning Spanish I and SPAN 1020 Beginning Spanish II do not count toward the minor.