Post-Traditional - Intermediate Core

The Intermediate Core Curriculum

The Concordia Core is divided into two parts: the Concordia Common Core (9 credits) and the Liberal Arts Dimensions (29 credits).  The Concordia Common Core is comprised of three classes, each unique to Concordia, that cannot be transferred in; these classes would be required of all students, regardless of major.  Two of the classes center on the core theme of Faith; the other classes each address two core themes.  The intent is to build a sense of community, to instill a sense of what it means to be a Concordian, to provide an opportunity to present important subject matter from our distinctly Lutheran perspective.  This will provide a framework, a commonality, to the intellectual life of the student. 

Common Core Experience9
Liberal Arts Dimensions29
Total Hours38

Post-Traditional Common Core Experience Intermediate Core Courses

Select one from the following CCE courses:3
Western Culture & Worldview
Western Thought & Worldview
Science & Humanity
REL 159Heritage of Faith3
REL 204Biblical Theology3
Total Hours9

Post-Traditional Faith and Life Intermediate Core Courses

Select one from the following:3
Religious Education of Youth and Adults
Communicating Bible Messages
Christian Care Giving
Religion in America Today
Office of the Professional Church Worker
Life of Christ
Christian Ethics
Gospel of Luke
Christ's People Through the Ages
World Religions
Total Hours3

Post-Traditional Natural World Intermediate Core Courses

Science - Select one from the following:3
Forensic Investigation
Introduction to Environmental Science
Mathematics - Select one from the following:3
Contemporary Math
College Algebra
Business Statistics
Total Hours6

Post-Traditional Society and Culture Intermediate Core Courses

Select two from the following:6
Intercultural Communication
History and Worldviews of the Western World
Historical Methods
Faces of Culture
Age of Enlightenment
Voices in Democracy
Constitutional Law
Introduction to Sociology
Total Hours6

Post-Traditional Human Beings and Being Human Intermediate Core Courses

Social World - Select one from the following:3
Gender and Communication
Classical Greece and Rome
Critical Thinking & Creativity
Social Psychology in the Workplace
Introduction to Psychopathology
Physical Development2
Fit & Well
Total Hours5

Post-Traditional Human Creativity and Expression Intermediate Core Courses

Select one from the following:3
Art History I
American Cinema
Literary Visions
Creative Arts: Music
Total Hours3

Post-Traditional Communication and Language Intermediate Core Courses

ENG 210College Writing3
Select one from the following:3
Speech Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Social Media
Technical Writing and Speaking
English Language
Total Hours6