Marketing (MKTG)

MKTG 131. Sales and Marketing. (3 Credits)

This course studies the basics of the role of marketing in society and within the firm. This course covers marketing history, the present-day practices, personal selling strategies and future projections.

MKTG 223. Public Relations. (3 Credits)

This course surveys the techniques and procedures used to secure publicity in business and politics, as well as manage responses to public issues affecting the publicity-seeking business, person, or organization. Topics covered include: identifying publics, media use, message preparation and dissemination, strategy, and ethical and legal concerns.

MKTG 251. Nonprofit Marketing. (3 Credits)

This course provides students an introduction to marketing the nonprofit organization, through advertising, public relations, community relationships, and collaborations. Effective communication of the mission and programs to funders and potential clients is emphasized. Students develop a marketing plan for a nonprofit organization.
Prerequisite: MGMT 250.

MKTG 304. Retail Management. (3 Credits)

This course examines the interrelationships of the various facets of retailing as a set of marketing activities. Retailing is the marketing and sale of goods and services to the ultimate consumer for personal, family or household use. Consequently, the course presents the strategic processes of determining location, product selection, merchandising, promotion, customer service, and pricing as they contribute to successful retail marketing. MKTG 131 recommended.

MKTG 325. Promotion & Advertising. (3 Credits)

This course analyzes current advertising procedures and practices. Topics include: methods of approach and appeal; basic campaign strategy, copy, visualization, and layout; mechanical production; relationship of behavioral sciences to advertising, their use and selection; packaging, brand identification and promotion; market research, ethics, and consumer protection. MKTG 131 recommended.

MKTG 345. E-Commerce. (3 Credits)

This course examines, from a marketing perspective, the impact, challenges, opportunities, and costs of using the internet and intranets as integral tools in business, including business-to-business and business-to-consumer operations. Topics covered in the course include: benefits and limitations of EC, e-tailing, B2B EC, effect of EC on customer relations, EC and procurement, EC and inventory management, EC payment systems, and legal and ethical concerns. The focus of the course is on EC within the discipline of marketing; however, the course will also briefly review web page design and maintenance, web programming principles, and web software agents.

MKTG 399. Marketing Internship. (6 Credits)

MKTG 422. Marketing Management. (3 Credits)

This course studies the integrated management of all aspects and components of the marketing function. It also studies how the marketing function interrelates with the other major functions of a business. Topics covered include: the marketing mix and how adjustments of the mix can provide solutions to marketing problems, how leadership (marketing management) affects marketing practices, marketing planning, marketing resource allocation, marketing information systems, analyzing consumer and business markets, market segmentation and forecasting, marketing strategies, managing product lines and brands, pricing, channel selection and management, and marketing communications.
Prerequisite: MKTG 131.

MKTG 426. Marketing Research. (3 Credits)

This course presents the methods and measurements appropriate for deriving meaning for problems concerned with decisional research. Cases demonstrate the concepts and techniques of decisional research constrained by time and economic considerations.

MKTG 440. International Marketing. (3 Credits)

This course studies marketing principles from an international perspective, and examines the problems, opportunities, considerations and public policies peculiar to marketing across national boundaries. The course focuses on applying sound marketing principles to international situations. Hence, emphasis will be placed on case analysis and acquiring detailed information about the country or region where a firm might engage in international marketing.

MKTG 445. Advanced Marketing Management. (3 Credits)

This course studies the integrated management of all aspects and components of the marketing function. It also studies how the marketing function interrelates with the other major functions of a business. Topics covered include: the marketing mix and how adjustments of the mix can provide solutions to marketing problems, how leadership (marketing management) affects marketing practices, marketing planning, marketing resource allocation, marketing information systems, analyzing consumer and business markets, market segmentation and forecasting, marketing strategies, managing product lines and brands, pricing, channel selection and management, marketing communications. Prerequisite: for traditional students completion of all MKTG courses, for adult accelerated students MKTG 422 and two other marketing courses.
Prerequisite: MKTG 422.