English Certificate (M)

While pursuing a certificate in English students will demonstrate a familiarity with English and American literature and articulate the connections of a literary tradition across space/time.  They will also identify and employ principles of rhetoric and rhetorical analysis and demonstrate an understanding of the English language as a linguistic system in terms of its structure, usage, and/or development.

Student Learning Outcomes for the English Certificate

Students will:

  •  Demonstrate a familiarity with English and American literature
  •  Articulate the connections of a literary tradition across space/time
  •  Identify and employ principles of rhetoric and rhetorical analysis
  •  Demonstrate an understanding of the English language as a linguistic system in terms of its structure, usage, and/or development.


Required Courses
American Literature
ENG 3410American Literature: Beginnings to 18653
or ENG 3420 American Literature: 1865 to Present
British Literature
ENG 3440British Literature: Beginnings to Early 1700s3
or ENG 3450 British Literature: Late 1700s to Present
Literary Traditions - Choose One
ENG 3000Adolescent Literature3
or ENG 3480 Late World Literature
or ENG 3550 Modern Fiction & the Tradition
or ENG 3570 Modern Drama & the Tradition
or ENG 4650 Shakespeare
or ENG 3800 Major Authors
or ENG 3860 Special Topics in Literature
Rhetoric and Expression - Choose One
ENG 2450Art of the Personal Essay3
or ENG 3050 English Grammar and Usage
or ENG 3500 Classical & Modern Rhetoric
Language and Grammar
ENG 3050English Grammar and Usage3
or ENG 3650 History of the English Language
Total Hours15
Additional Recommendations - ENG prefix classes count toward 18cr Minor
ENG 2510Practicum in Writing Consultation3
ENG 4750Literary Criticism3
ED 2252Best Practices in Engaging Adolescents in Literacy3