Theology and Ministry Major (A)

The Theology and Ministry degree at CUAA is designed for those intending to enter full-time ministry, whether pre-seminary, pre-deaconess, or family life ministry. Offering a theology concentration that prepares students for the academic rigor of graduate school as well as a ministry concentration to prepare students for the practical work of ministry in a congregation, the theology and ministry degree is great for all students considering a church-work career. All students will be grounded in study of Holy Scripture, Christian doctrine, church history, and mission, learning how to speak the Gospel in the world today. As part of a Christ-centered university of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, students will learn to understand God’s Word in a Lutheran key, in which the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of Holy Scripture are at the center. Our theology faculty is made up of pastors who are experts in the field and are dedicated to guiding, encouraging, and challenging students as they prepare to become future ministers of the Gospel.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Students will develop an understanding of Holy Scripture, recognizing the unique qualities of God’s Word and its varied yet unified content across both testaments, and use sound principles in interpreting Scripture.
  • Students will model humility, following Christ in research, teaching, and ministry practice.
    • In research, humility looks like describing opposing views in the best possible light, and learning from them even while disagreeing with them.
    • In teaching and ministry practice, humility looks like listening to others, putting the needs of the other first, and applying Law and Gospel based on the needs of those being cared for.
  • Students will observe, assess, and interpret today’s cultures and worldviews in relationship to the historic Christian faith and the Lutheran Confessions. Students will be familiar with various methods of delivering and defending biblical truth in a relevant and practical way to diverse groups.
  • Students will recognize the Bible as the authoritative source for knowledge of God and humankind, articulate key doctrines of the Christian faith, especially the gospel of Jesus Christ, and apply these Scriptural teachings with the wisdom of the church’s tradition to individual lives, congregational challenges, and theological matters in the church.
  • Students will be able to communicate biblical truth using a variety of communication methods appropriate to the specific audience and sensitive to contemporary listeners, applying Law and Gospel and apologetics effectively.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of research skills in theology.


Core Requirements45
Major Requirements 135
Minor Requirements:
Required Minor (minimum 18 credits)
Total Hours126

This major/minor is not permitted to share (overlap) any credits with the core curriculum, with a major, with a minor, or with a certificate per departmental policy unless otherwise specified in the curriculum. 

Major Requirements

Required Core Courses
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
Introduction to Writing
Art of the Personal Essay
Creative Writing
Christian Apologetics
Old Testament
Biblical Theology
Any REL course above REL 2030
Required Courses
REL 2020New Testament3
REL 3500A Survey of Christian Thought3
Bible Courses6
Select two of the following:
Prophets of Israel
Wisdom of Israel
Christ in the Old Testament
Dead Sea Scrolls
Life of Christ
The Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Luke
Johannine Literature
Pauline Literature
Life of Paul
Revelation and End Times
Holy Land
Mission and Culture Course3
Select one of the following:
Great Commission Evangelism
Friendship Evangelism
Faith and Culture
Religion in America Today
Church in Mission
World Religions
REL 4000Lutheran Confessions3
EDU 2510Teaching the Christian Faith2
Any REL course above REL 2030 not already taken3
Total Hours23

Select One Concentration:

Ministry Concentration
REL 2630Communicating Bible Messages3
FAM 2100Practical Skills in Family Life Ministry3
or FAM 4310 Youth Culture
EDU 2000Designing Instruction for Student Success3
FAM 3900Family Life Ministry Practicum3
Total Hours12
Theology Concentration
Any REL course above REL 2030 not already taken3
REL 4010Lutheran Worship: Theology and Practice3
REL 4900Senior Seminar I3
REL 4910Senior Seminar II3
Total Hours12

Curriculum - Pre-Deaconess Program

Grade requirements: GPA of 2.50 to meet seminary admissions requirements

Core Courses
GRK 2010Greek I3
REL 2010Old Testament3
REL 2030Biblical Theology3
Additional Courses
GRK 2020Greek II3
GRK 3010Greek III3
REL 2020New Testament3

Students select one of the following majors or minors:

1. Christian Thought minor
2. Philosophy minor
4. Theological Languages minor
5. Church Music major
6. Family Life Ministry Minor
7. Biblical Studies minor

The other major or minor required to graduate is left to the student’s discretion, though students are encouraged to match their studies with their anticipated areas of service (e.g. Music major or minorWorship Arts Leadership minor, or Adolescent Studies minor). 

Program Admission - Pre-Seminary

The pre-seminary program provides academic preparation in the liberal arts for professional study for full-time pastoral ministry in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Following the earning of the baccalaureate degree, the pre-seminary student continues his program of study at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, or Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.

The mission of pre-seminary education is to prepare students for theological studies and pastoral formation at a seminary of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. This preparation ordinarily encompasses biblical knowledge, biblical language competency, and understanding of Lutheran doctrine; competency in communication skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening; skills in critical thinking and philosophical inquiry; acquisition of a global perspective; the understanding of and appreciation for the Lutheran ethos, identity, and ethic; and helping the student to perceive, proclaim, teach, and live out the centrality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the whole world.

CUAA Pre-Seminary graduate enters the seminary with the knowledge and skill needed to:

  • Clearly communicate the message of the Scriptures through the written and spoken word;
  • Assist in leading a worship service;
  • Articulate the Lutheran ethos, identity, and ethic;
  • Help others live out the centrality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ;
  • Apply critical-thinking skills and a global perspective to philosophical inquiry;
  • Make professional presentations using research, strategy, audience analysis, and technology;
  • Evaluate their own sense of calling into the Holy Ministry.

Pre-seminary students must take REL 2010 Old TestamentREL 2020 New Testament, and REL 2030 Biblical Theology through the core and are encouraged to take the theology and ministry majorStudents in the pre-seminary program may choose other majors and minors, but must always include at least a minor in theological languagesThese  are designed to prepare students for the seminary competency examinations in the Old Testament, New Testament, Christian Doctrine, Greek, and Hebrew. These also include broader liberal arts studies in Latin, communication, writing, social science, and philosophy, all of which are helpful for theological study on a graduate level. 

Students must have a minimum of 126 credits in order to graduate as part of the pre-seminary program. 

Application for Entry into the Pre-Seminary Program

Since the public ministry of Word and Sacrament is an office of the Church of Christ, it demands individuals exhibiting the highest level of talent, personal knowledge, aptitude, skill, and Christian character. For this reason the following criteria have been established for acceptance into the Pre-Seminary Program of Concordia University Ann Arbor. Application is generally made in the second semester of the sophomore year.

  1. Successful completion of a minimum of 45 semester hours of credit.
  2. CGPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. (Probationary acceptance may be given to students with a CGPA of at least 2.0 if other requirements are met.)
  3. Evidence of proficiency in English and foreign languages appropriate to the pre-seminary program.
  4. Submission of a completed application form, available from the theology office.
  5. Completion of basic theology courses.
  6. Exhibition of exemplary Christian life-style.
  7. Interviews with and written recommendation of the pre-seminary director.

Acceptance Procedure

  1. Notification of acceptance into the program will be made by letter.
  2. Notification of non-acceptance or probationary acceptance of the applicant will also be made by letter after the interview with the pre-seminary director.
  3. A copy of this letter is filed in the applicant’s folder in the pre-seminary director's office.
  4. A student who is refused acceptance into the pre-seminary program may re-apply up to two more times. Acceptance into the pre-seminary program is not a requirement for the successful completion of a student's major.

 Program Continuation

To maintain ‘‘good standing’’ status in the pre-seminary program, a student must maintain a 2.5 CGPA.

Program Admission - Pre-Deaconess

Since 1919, the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has trained women to serve as deaconesses in the congregations and other institutions of the church. They have served remarkably in education, mission, administration, and works of mercy. Currently, the LCMS trains deaconesses on both the undergraduate level at Concordia—Chicago and the graduate level at Concordia—Chicago and at both Synodical seminaries. The pre-deaconess program provides financial aid, vocational counseling, encouragement, and support to women, as well as elevating the visibility of diaconal service. Pre-deaconess students are served by the pre-seminary director. 

CUAA Pre-Deaconess graduate enters the seminary with the knowledge and skill needed to:

  • Clearly communicate the message of the Scriptures through the written and spoken word;
  • Articulate the Lutheran ethos, identity, and ethic;
  • Help others live out the centrality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ;
  • Apply critical-thinking skills and a global perspective to philosophical inquiry;
  • Make professional presentations using research, strategy, audience analysis, and technology;
  • Evaluate their own sense of calling into the diaconate.

Application for Entry into the Pre-Deaconess Program

Since deaconess ministry is an office of the Church of Christ, it demands individuals exhibiting the highest level of talent, personal knowledge, aptitude, skill, and Christian character. For this reason the following criteria have been established for acceptance into the Pre-Deaconess Program. Application is generally made in the second semester of the sophomore year.

1. Successful completion of a minimum of 45 semester hours of credit. 
2. CGPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. (Probationary acceptance may be given to students with a CGPA of at least 2.0 if other requirements are met.)
3. Evidence of proficiency in English appropriate to the pre-seminary program.
4. Submission of a completed application form, available from the pre-seminary director.
5. Completion of basic theology courses.
6. Exhibition of an exemplary Christian life. 
7. Interviews with and written recommendation of the pre-seminary director.

Acceptance Procedure 

1. Notification of acceptance into the program will be made by letter.
2. Notification of non-acceptance or probationary acceptance of the applicant will also be made by letter after the interview with the pre-seminary director.
3. A copy of this letter is filed in the applicant’s folder in the pre-seminary director’s office.
4. A student who is refused acceptance into the program may re-apply up to two more times. 

Program Continuation

To maintain ‘‘good standing’’ status in the pre-deaconess program, a student must maintain a 2.5 CGPA.

Program Admission - Family Life Ministry

Family Life Ministry prepares students for ministry in congregations to equip families, marriages, and communities for life together, faith development, and teaching the Gospel. Graduates will practice Christ-like love, integrity, and excellence as they develop and implement family programming in congregations, connect people across generations, equip families to grow in faith and love together, and reach out to the community through meaningful relationships.
Successful completion of the Family Life Ministry Minor alongside a Theology and Ministry Major, with the Ministry Concentration, grants a certification in Family Life Ministry from Concordia University for all graduates, which also makes Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) students eligible for the rostered position of Director of Family Life Ministry in the LCMS.
Students can officially apply for admission to the Family Life Ministry program in their fourth semester, after successful completion of Family Life Ministry seminar and Old and New Testament. Students need to carry a 2.5 CGPA for admission into the program. (Probationary acceptance may be given to students with a CGPA of at least 2.0 if other requirements are met.) Students will also have an interview with the Family Life Ministry director for official entry into the program. As appropriate to a church work vocation, students are expected to attend church regularly and live in accordance with God's word in order to remain in good standing in the Family Life Ministry program. Should a Family Life Ministry student earn less than a 2.0 GPA in any classes required for the major, students will be required to repeat the course and earn at least a 2.0 GPA before Concordia University will certify students for Family Life Ministry (or endorse students for rostering in the LCMS).