Missions Minor (M)

God has created you with unique gifts and passions and now, more than ever, people need a hope that is eternal. The Missions minor will allow you to develop your talents while considering the challenges you could face in the mission field.  The purpose of the Missions minor is to assist you as you discover the gifts and talents God has given you for service. You will be studying how mission work is accomplished around the globe. A key element of this program is recognizing and deliberating on the challenges that arise in the mission field. Along the way, you’ll have opportunities to participate in spring break mission trips, Missions Club, and global trips that will provide you with hands-on experience.


Required Core Courses
Old Testament (Bible Content)
Biblical Theology (Christine Doctrine )
Great Commission Evangelism (Theology Elective )
Required Courses
COMM 460Cross-Cultural Communication3
REL 203New Testament3
REL 215Friendship Evangelism3
REL 316World Missions I3
REL 326World Missions II3
REL 410World Religions3
Minor Electives
Select one of the following Cross-cultural Missions electives: 3
Faith and Culture
Church in Mission
Total Hours21

This major/minor is not permitted to share (overlap) any credits with the core curriculum, with a major, with a minor, or with a certificate per departmental policy unless otherwise specified in the curriculum.